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Is DVS right for me?

To find out whether DVS might be for you, please answer the following questions for yourself:

  1. Are you comfortable sharing intimacy with people of diverse backgrounds?
  2. Do you treat members of both genders as your equal?
  3. Are you comfortable when people get close to you?
  4. Are you comfortable with nudity among friends?
  5. Can you talk to a potential sexual partner about safe sex?
  6. Can you enjoy social gatherings without needing alcohol or drugs?
  7. Can you enjoy an intimate relationship without needing to control your partner?
  8. Can you be non-judgmental about the practice of open relationships among your friends?
  9. If a couple, is your relationship strong and secure?

If you can answer "yes" to the above questions, and if you are reasonably emotionally healthy, then DVS might be for you.